CPC class creating information-literacy curriculum

Blacvk and white photo of smiling light-haired young man

By Dylan Bowman

Knightly News Reporter


Throughout the fall semester, students in a class taught by Professor Thomas Davis have worked on developing a new curriculum focused on identifying, and teaching and warning people about, six aspects of misinformation.

The aspects are conspiracy, impersonation, emotion, polarization, discrediting and trolling.

The curriculum is aimed at helping people with no to little education understand misinformation and will specifically benefit clients of the Perry County Literacy Council (PCLC).

Perry County Literacy Council logo used courtesy PCLC

The class is IDS 401: Topics in Service Learning (IDS stands for interdisciplinary studies).

The curriculum remains in development and will be tested on applicants in future semesters.

The project is being set up to display videos, slides, games, animations and short quizzes for evaluation of users’ understanding of the subject matter.

Primary developers of the curriculum, under Davis’ guidance, are Nadine Aly, Dylan Bowman, Gabrielle Layne, Alex Lilja, Zachary Schlegel and Sarah Weaver.

For more information on IDS 401 or the new PCLC curriculum, contact Davis at ThomasDavis@centralpenn.edu.

Bowman is co-president of The Knightly News Media Club @ Central Penn College and one of the club’s photographers.

Comment or story idea? Contact KnightlyEditors@CentralPenn.Edu.

Edited by media-club co-adviser and blog editor Professor Michael Lear-Olimpi.