Knightly News teams up to help beautify campus
By Nash McComsey
Knightly News Reporter
The Knightly News Media Club spent Thursday morning cleaning up and repainting different spots around campus to help keep our Central Penn College campus beautiful.
Club Co-President Jenelle Dulack, Secretary Nash McComsey and Molly Peters, alongside Co-Adviser Paul Miller and Dean of Student Engagement Adrienne Thoman, cleaned up the core-value plaques outside the Underground in the student amphitheater. The group also cleaned and repainted the Central Penn College sign on College Hill Road, making it look as good as new.
Organized by the officers of The Knightly News, this event was designed to improve the campus in a meaningful way while also getting our club members outside in the nice weather. The goal of the event was to contribute to improving the look and feel of the campus for our students and faculty and, as a club, give back to our campus in a small way.
The Central Penn College facilities team played a helpful role in giving the club some direction and materials for the job. They gave The Knightly News members paint for the sign and cleaning equipment for the plaques. The club members got everything they needed to make the minor but meaningful improvements on campus that can make a difference — to returning students who have seen the campus every day, as well as to new and potential students exploring the grounds.
The core-values plaques are central to the campus and represent our most valued qualities in our staff and students. With them now shining, the amphitheater looks brighter and more inviting. While well-tended by our facilities team, the sign, too, looks so much nicer with a fresh coat of paint on the poles.
“It was such a beautiful day to get outside and help keep our campus beautiful,” Miller said. “The beauty of our campus is something that is often overlooked and we, in some small way, engaged in something we will always remember.”
Members of The Knightly News will be looking to continue helping the campus stay informed and beautiful.
Nash McComsey is the secretary of the Knightly News Media Club.
Have a comment or a story idea? Contact KnightlyEditors@CentralPenn.Edu.
Edited by Knight News Co-Advisers Paul Miller and Michael Lear-Olimpi.