Local author and Knightly News Brief headline Episode #152

By Paul Miller

Knightly News Co-Adviser

On this episode of the Knightly News Podcast, we welcome Central Penn alumna and local author Ann Marie Knorr to reminisce about her time on campus and to discuss her new book and News Correspondent Jamie Harmon to offer the spring 2022 edition of the Knightly News Brief.

During our time with Knorr, we discuss her time as a Central Penn College student in the Mass Media program from 1989 to 1991. Knorr was active on the radio station that was on campus and we discuss her memories of what it was like in Summerdale at the time.

Beyond that, we discuss her authorship of a series of fantasy books for young adults, “Raven Naelo and the Artifact of the Stolen Souls” and “Raven Naelo and the Fall of the Guardians.” Knorr, who writes with her partner under the R.A. Fischer authors brand, discussed the series creation and future.

In addition, we welcome Knightly News President Jenelle Dulack in her final podcast prior to graduation. Dulack has been working as a social media manager for Knorr’s R.A. Fischer Authors, promoting the new Raven Naelo book.

For more information on these books and other things that R.A. Fischer authors are up to, check out https://www.rafischerauthors.com/.

On the second segment of the podcast, we welcome News Correspondent Jamie Harmon with the Knightly News Brief, a collection of audio stories from the spring 2022 term.

In this Knightly News Brief, we feature the following articles:

Michael Lear-Olimpi – Knightly News wins awards in state journalism competition

Sarah Whitmire – The Knightly News Podcast celebrates 150 episodes

Paul Miller – Dreams do come true as Knights sweep doubleheader at FNB Field

Molly Peters – The Pizza Corner: Newest hangout for Central Penn students

Dylan Bowman – Honoring the Master of Weird

You can find the last three episodes of the podcast on our SoundCloud page. Subscribe to us to be notified when new episodes are released!