Library Events and SPJ #EthicsWeeks featured on Episode #170

By Paul Miller

Knightly News Co-Adviser

On this episode of the Knightly News Podcast, we welcome Library Director Margaret Schachte to discuss the upcoming Research Exhibition and Professor Michael Lear-Olimpi to recap the recent PNA Awards Luncheon and the Society of Professional Journalists #EthicsWeek. To end the show, students in our COM270 class preview events this week on and off campus.

During our time with Schachte, we discuss what led her to Central Penn College. The main focus of our conversation is how libraries have needed to shift their services and delivery post-COVID. Also, Schachte previews the upcoming Research Exhibition coming to campus in June. For more information, check out

In addition, Nik Hogan joins the podcast to discuss how students can actively engage in library services and shares his positive experiences with the library on campus.

During the second segment of the podcast, we welcome Lear-Olimpi to share his reflection on the recent Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association (PNA) awards luncheon and his involvement in the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) #EthicsWeek in April.

Recently, Professors Lear-Olimpi and Miller attended the PNA Awards with Dylan Bowman, a corporate communication graduate, to receive his first-place award for sports photography. This is the fifth award in this statewide competition for the Knightly News, but it is the first time the news organization has won first prize.

Also, Lear-Olimpi shared his experiences as part of #EthicsWeek, where he was part of the Ethics Open Forum to conclude the week-long event. For more information and for a recording of the panel, check out

To conclude the show, students from our COM270: Writing for Broadcast Media preview three events on and off campus. These stories include:

  • Andrew Hunter – May 19, CPC Film Series
  • Tara Kelley – May 20, Petapalooza
  • Amanda Kelly – May 20, Cumberland County Plant Fest and Sale

You can find the last three episodes of the podcast on ourĀ SoundCloud page. Subscribe to us to be notified when new episodes are released!