Central Penn’s gamers ready to strike back against cancer
They’ll play this month with other gamers across the country to raise funds for cancer awareness and research

By Lillian Blocher
Knightly News Reporter

Central Penn’s Colleges Against Cancer chapter will host a fundraiser with the school’s esports team for the American Cancer Society on May 31.
Club members will play a variety of games and stream them live to the college community. Viewers will be encouraged to donate online to the fundraiser as they watch.
The event will take place from 5 to 7 p.m in the gaming lab on Central Penn’s campus.
According to its website, The American Cancer Society seeks to improve the lives of people with cancer by advocating for them, sharing information about cancer, investing in research and providing resources and support. Its mission is to ensure everyone has the opportunity to prevent or survive cancer.
The fundraiser is called Gamers vs. Cancer and is a program organized by the American Cancer Society with gamers nationwide to capitalize on how gaming can spread awareness about cancer.
Colleges Against Cancer is a nationwide collaboration between college students, faculty and staff who work with organizations such as the American Cancer Society and the Feel Your Boobies Foundation to promote cancer awareness and to fund research on treatments for the disease and to support people with cancer and who have survived cancer.

Central Penn’s Colleges Against Cancer chapter was founded by Internship Coordinator Kristin Fike, who is also the adviser.
Watch the livestream on Twitch at @CollegesAgainstCancer_CPC.
Anyone who is interested in joining the club, or has questions about the event, should email Kristin Fike at kristinfike@centralpenn.edu.
Find more information about Gamers vs. Cancer and the American Cancer Society on the American Cancer Society’s website here.
Comments or story idea? Contact KnightlyEditors@CentralPenn.Edu.
Edited by media-club co-adviser and blog editor Professor Michael Lear-Olimpi.