Student intern: Goodbye, Education Foundation
The experience helped this student build her skills and confidence

By Alexa Shughart
Knightly News Co-President
“It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.” – Ernie Harwell
Saying goodbye is often the hardest part of nearly all experiences, and I can testify to that.
Now that my internship with the Central Penn Education Foundation is finished, I remember being filled with waves of emotion as my last hours in the office approached.

Photo courtesy Central Penn College
I started my internship at the foundation at the end of June. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was determined to succeed.
My first day was filled with nervousness, but I was quickly calmed by the abundance of joy that came from the people I met. Every individual I got the chance to work with gave me guidance and allowed for my growth. I was able to gain knowledge that will one day be relevant to my future career, and I had fun while doing it.
Working for the foundation gave me a confidence I had never discovered before. I was given a platform where I was able to be myself while taking on crucial responsibilities.
I never imagined I would be this far in my college journey, but I am extremely proud to stand where I am today.
Working with the foundation allowed me to receive encouragement and positive reinforcement. Without it, I would not have grown the way I have in such a short time.
I am grateful for the relationships I built while working at the Central Penn Education Foundation. I could not have asked to be a part of a better team.
Now that my fruitful time at my internship is over, I am one step closer to graduation.
That will happen in December.
The light at the end of my college-journey tunnel is quickly approaching, and I’m ready – and now better prepared than ever before – to disembark at the station of my future career.
Here’s to new adventures!
Shughart is co-president of The Knightly News Media Club @ Central Penn College. She also reviews music for The Knightly News and is one of the club’s photographers.
Comment or story idea? Contact KnightlyEditors@CentralPenn.Edu.
Edited by media-club co-adviser and blog editor Professor Michael Lear-Olimpi.