Summer CPC Film Series and departing all-star highlight Episode #173

By Paul Miller

Knightly News Co-Adviser

On this episode of the Knightly News Podcast, we welcome recent Central Penn graduate Dylan Bowman to preview our summer CPC Film Series where Bowman will screen his new film “Vintage,” and former Central Penn all-star Adrienne Thoman to reflect on her contributions to the Knightly News as she ends her 11-year tenure with the college. 

During our time with Bowman, we discuss the importance of film in his life, specifically discussing his teen years, where he made a trilogy that ignited his love for the craft.

Then, the duo share about the films he will screen during the film series. First, “At War with Myself,” a film by Dominic Mangle in which Bowman was the Director of Photography, will be screened first. Then, Bowman will screen the newly-released “Vintage,” a film that Bowman took the vast majority of creative control as producer, director, writer, and a series of other aspects of the film.

The CPC Film Series will take place on July 28 at 6 p.m. in the Capital BlueCross Theatre and will be sponsored by the Knightly News Media Club. Snacks and beverages will be available for a donation to the club. All are welcome.

On the second segment of the podcast, we welcome former Central Penn all-star Adrienne Thoman to the show to discuss her interaction with the Knightly News over the years.

First, the duo discusses her background in radio, with some surprising similarities between herself and the host.

Thoman, who appeared on the Knightly News Podcast an astounding 55 times during her 11-year tenure at the college, also shared more about what it meant to her to be such an integral aspect of the Knightly News.

You can find the last three episodes of the podcast on our SoundCloud page. Subscribe to us to be notified when new episodes are released!