Corporate communications student leads August food drive to benefit college food pantry

By Hannah Pasquarella

Special to the Knightly News

Throughout August, Central Penn College will conduct a food drive to support the College Pantry, a campus food pantry that serves residential, commuter and online students. Donations will be accepted from Aug. 5 to 30.

The food pantry needs nonperishable items, cleaning supplies, paper plates and personal care items, such as razors and body wash.

Specifically, items like cereal, soups, mac and cheese, Windex, sponges, toothpaste, deodorant and paper towels are always in need.

Money left over from a previously received grant allowed the pantry to purchase a freezer, expanding its operations even further. With that, freezer items, like hot pockets, microwavable meals and veggies, are needed.

Bins to place donated items will be in the ATEC lobby or outside the mail room, in Bollinger Hall. Food items will then be collected weekly and brought back to the pantry for organization. Freezer items should be brought directly to the Residence Life office in Bollinger 40.

If you are still looking for a way to help but have no items to donate, the food pantry also accepts gift cards for grocery stores. You can also find inexpensive items to donate at stores like Dollar Tree and Grocery Outlet.

According to the Central Penn College website, the College Pantry, which started in summer 2018, has reported having received hundreds of requests for food, including students who may have requested items more than once.

Students can find the link to request items from the food pantry on Student Central or the Central Penn app. They can also pick up orders in the Residence Life office in Bollinger 40.

Pasquarella is overseeing this food drive as part of a project in COM420: Projects in Corporate Communication. Students in this course are asked to engage with a local business or community group or to develop their own philanthropic initiative.

Even after this food drive concludes, donations for the college food pantry are always accepted.